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Fri, 01/31/2025 - 5:17pm
Following are some biographical details about Dr. Eisenbaum: One of a small number of Jewish scholars of the New Testament, Pamela Eisenbaum is the Clifford E. Baldridge Professor of Biblical Studies and Christian Origins at Iliff School of Theology and is an affiliate faculty member of the Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Denver. She holds a Master’s Degree from Harvard Divinity School and a Ph.D. from Columbia University. She has…
Paul and the Origins of the Christian ‘Dialogue’ with Judaism
Fri, 10/25/2024 - 10:54am
Dr. White, Chair; Associate Professor (New Testament and Early Christianity), is a scholar of ancient and modern interpretations of the New Testament, the reconstruction of Christian origins, and the development of early Christianities. The following is an abstract for his Howard Lecture: What counts as “Pauline”? For nearly 1,700 years the answer seemed fairly straightforward. The New Testament canon set the boundary at thirteen (or…
The 2025 Howard Lecture title is "Fuzzy Math: The Challenge of Counting Paul’s Authentic Letters."
Wed, 01/10/2024 - 2:04pm
This lecture compares ideas of religious and mystical experience in Eastern and Western understandings of the self. We shall examine models of how the self is constructed, and how visionary experience works. It explores the question: How do people perceive God in Western psychology and Indian philosophy? Dr. June McDaniel is Professor Emerita in the field of History of Religions, in the Dept. of Religious Studies at the College…
Prof. June McDaniel to deliver Howard Lecture on "Contemplative Psychology: Some Eastern and Western Understandings of the Mind and Spirit"
Thu, 03/16/2023 - 3:50pm
"The Present and the Future in the Present: Religion, Values, and Climate Change," Joel Robbins, Sigrid Rausing Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge. Joel Robbins's work focuses on the anthropology of religion and the study of values, ethics, and anthropological theory more broadly. He has for two decades been centrally involved in the development of that anthropological study of Christianity. He is author of the books …
Joel Robbins' Global Georgia Lecture on "The Present and the Future in the Present: Religion, Values, and Climate Change"
Wed, 02/15/2023 - 10:59pm
On Tuesday, February 21 at 4:30 in Peabody Hall 115, Jewish Studies is sponsoring a talk "Education against Auschwitz: The Challenge of Learning about- and from- the Holocaust" by guest speaker Doyle Stevick. Dr. Stevick is the founder and director of the Anne Frank Center at the University of South Carolina. After repeatedly encountering violent racist extremism in 1999-2000, Dr. Stevick pursued a doctorate in…
Doyle Stevick to speak on "Education against Auschwitz"
Wed, 10/26/2022 - 2:36pm
Prof. Yuval Gadot will deliver this year's Howard Lecture on Monday, Nov 14, 2022, in Peabody Hall 115. New Revelations from Zion: the Archaeology of Jerusalem from the Great Age of Reform In the last 25 years, intensive construction has revolutionized our understanding of Jerusalem’s transition from a royal capital to a metropolis in the kingdom of Judah, mostly around and after the Ten Tribes of Israel were deported. The lecture…
Yuval Gadot to deliver this year's Howard Lecture: "New Revelations from Zion: the Archaeology of Jerusalem from the Great Age of Reform"
Fri, 04/23/2021 - 9:42pm
Special Information: Register in advance for this online lecture: ABSTRACT FOR “WONDER, MAGIC, AND WHY WE DO PHILOSOPHY": Several philosophers have regarded wonder as the beginning of philosophy. For example, Aristotle in the Metaphysics speculates that "it is owing to their wonder (to thaumazein) that humans both now begin and at first began to philosophize…
Helen De Cruz (Saint Louis University): “Wonder, Magic, and Why We Do Philosophy”
Fri, 03/26/2021 - 1:36pm
Howard Lecture Series in Religion Please RSVP for this Event Here
“Lost in Translation”: Jesus, Slavery, and Freedom
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