Eli Sperling has traveled and conducted research extensively throughout the Middle East, spending significant time in Israel, Cairo and the Sinai Peninsula. He holds an MA in Middle Eastern history and received his PhD in September 2019 from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. From 2012–2020, Eli served as the Senior Academic Research Coordinator at Emory University’s Institute for the Study of Modern Israel and taught as a guest Professor in Emory’s Tam Institute for Jewish Studies from 2019–2020. From June 2020-July 2022, Eli served as a Postdoctoral Associate in Duke University’s Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies and currently serves as the Israel Institute Teaching Fellow in the University of Georgia’s Department of International Affairs. Eli is the author of the forthcoming book Singing the Land: Hebrew Music and Early Zionism in America, University of Michigan Press.
Israel Institute Teaching Fellow - School of Public & International Affairs